Oh the gloom. My clock rang today at seven, but I managed to get up at eight. No matter, school began at eleven. I finished the first year projects prototype, so I can completely focus on the second year project. Yeah. My life's a To do list.
On another note, I made my super cheap, super tasty dinner tonight. All you need is:
Potatoes (steamed of course)
Dark soybean grain
Soy sauce
First you
- Wash the potatoes, cut them in half and then put them skin down in the steam cooker
-Wait for potatoes to cook for some 20 min in heated steam cooker
- Take the potatoes of the hot stove
- Take a frying pan, put it on the hot stove with an amount of dark soybean grain and water to cover it in
- Wait for it to boil, ad soy sauce, oil, Tabasco and onion
- Lower the heat, stir once in a while
- Peel the potatoes
-By then then the water in the pan will have reduced and everything nicely fried
-Mash the potatoes, to be served with the soybean grain and ketchup