
Burnt Dinner

Leo called me this morning with some good news. He is coming to visit me! Yeah! The only thing left open was when. So, as a good girlfriend I go straight home from school to clean my apartment (remember my last post?) and to wait for my package. More about the package in the next post. When it finally arrived I went to the store and bought all kinds (well chicken and pineapple) food and hurried back to my house to cook. And then I tried, like a catholic girl trying to lie, to make some kind of sushi rice. To go with the chicken, pineapple and coconut stew. Leo loves that kind of sticky short rice, so I thought Hey, how hard can that be. Insert sad face here.

So, after a while I notice that there is a burning smell. Choose to ignore it. Then the rice begins to turn brown. Finally I take it of the stove, scraped the edible part to safety and take a look at the bottom. Black as the darkness in my soul.

To cheer my self up I shall post you a picture taken last weeks Thursday of a much better meal. Enjoy!

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